You might think of wound care as an antiseptic followed by a Band-Aid®. When you were a child, your immune system and circulation were probably healthy and robust enough to heal most wounds that way.
However, wounds become more complicated if you have diabetes, other health conditions, or are elderly. Damage to your blood vessels or nerves makes it easy to overlook a blister or ulcer that could lead to infection—particularly if it's located on your feet.
Normally, a wound should heal on its own within 4-6 weeks. If you have diabetes or another condition that extends the wound-healing process beyond that period, you have a chronic wound that needs medical attention.
At North Park Podiatry, our skilled podiatrists are also experts in diabetic foot care. This specialty includes advanced wound healing. At our San Diego, California offices, we provide the support you need to heal wounds.
What factors slow your wound healing? The following are five situations that slow healing:
If you don’t control your diabetes with lifestyle modifications or prescribed insulin, the high levels of glucose in your bloodstream can prevent wound healing. Excess sugar in your blood compromises the health and function of your vascular walls.
Your blood vessels become narrowed and inflexible. You may develop plaques of excess fat and cholesterol that further compromise your blood’s ability to flow freely throughout your body.
When your body first detects a wound, your immune system rushes blood and lymph fluid to the area to remove toxins and debris. Slowed circulation due to faulty blood vessels significantly impacts this step.
You’ve heard the old adage, “You are what you eat.” That’s never more true than when it comes to wound healing. You can't adequately heal your wounds if you don’t supply your body with the nutrients it needs to build healthy blood and tissue.
You need plenty of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients found in fresh vegetables, fruits, and other whole foods. You must also ingest adequate macronutrients — particularly protein, which your body uses to build healthy new tissues.
Smoking and drinking damage your body. Both substances dehydrate your tissues and affect your circulatory system.
Let us know if you need help quitting or reducing alcohol and tobacco use. We can refer you to effective cessation programs.
Activity and exercise aren’t just items to check off your “to-do” or New Year’s Resolution lists. They’re essential to improving health and boosting your body’s healing capabilities.
The small amount of stress your body undergoes when you push past your comfort level stimulates your circulation and helps oxygenate your tissues. Exercise also makes it easier for your body to get the nutrients it needs to rebuild wounds.
If you haven’t exercised recently, let us know. We can help you design a fun and variable routine that starts at your current fitness level and takes you where your body needs to be for optimal health.
Diabetes and other conditions, including anemia, may weaken your immune system so that it can’t respond quickly to insults and injuries. Simply getting older can also slow your immune system.
Depending on your situation, we may recommend lifestyle adjustments that help bolster your immune system. Staying active, eating whole foods, hydrating regularly, and getting enough sleep can strengthen your immune system.
If you have diabetes or another condition that slows or prevents wound healing, get the help your body needs. We can debride and clean your wounds and check for infections.
We may prescribe antibiotics or recommend supplements and lifestyle changes. We also check your feet for other wounds or ulcers you may not have noticed due to decreased sensation from diabetes or other conditions.
Do you have a chronic wound that either hasn’t healed or recurred? Get the wound care your body needs by calling our team today or using our easy online appointment form.