
Is It Safe to Run Through Knee Pain?

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Is It Safe to Run Through Knee Pain?

Running and keeping fit is part of your routine and identity. 

 When running is an integral part of your daily routine and fitness regimen, you don’t want to give it up. So, when you twist your knee or when that joint aches or is stiff, your first impulse is to power through the pain and stick to your running routine.

At North Park Podiatry in San Diego, California, our expert podiatrists Trent Brookshier, DPM, and Ricardo Navarette, DPM — want you to stay healthy from head to toe. We also know that sports injuries are part of being sporty. 

When your knee hurts, is it safe to run through the pain? Or, are you putting even more than your knee joint at risk for permanent injury?

Rest your knee

First is the bad news. If your knee hurts, that’s a signal that you’ve injured some portion of your complex knee joint. A common injury for runners is actually called “runner’s knee.”

Runner's knee is an overuse injury caused by irritation and inflammation in your kneecap. About 30% of female runners and 25% of male runners develop runner’s knee. However, you could also have another type of knee injury, including:

  • Iliotibial band syndrome
  • Torn or damaged meniscus
  • Patellar tendonitis
  • Torn or stretched anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
  • Torn or stretched posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
  • Stretched or torn tendons or muscles
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Bursitis

Running with a sprain, strain, inflammation, or degradation will worsen the injury. Take a break for a few days. If the pain doesn’t improve with rest and elevation, call us.

Walk, don’t run, to your doctor

If your knee pain doesn’t respond to a week of conservative measures, such as the RICE (Rest, Icing, Compression, Elevation) or MEAT (Movement, Exercise, Analgesics, Treatment) protocols, it’s time to schedule an appointment with us. 

Ignoring knee pain or trying to power through it, can alter your gait so that you’re more likely to injure another joint, tendon, or ligament, too.

We may advise using a brace to support your knee as you recover. You may also need specialized therapies, such as:

  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Shockwave therapy
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Joint injections
  • Physical therapy
  • Rehab protocols

In addition to addressing your current pain, we conduct a thorough movement assessment to determine if a foot misalignment could be at the root of your knee pain.

Orthotics help preserve your knees

If your knee pain was caused by a pronation problem in your foot or ankle, we may prescribe customized orthotics. Orthotics are hard or soft insoles that you put directly into your sports shoes. They’re custom-designed to keep your foot aligned so that your ankle and knee bend and flex in alignment, too.

We may also prescribe orthotics for daily use. Sometimes, it’s not your running shoe or even the running itself that’s the source of your knee pain. Your shoes may be causing a misalignment and strain that then makes it difficult to run in alignment.

We help you get back on track. Faster.

If you want to return to running as soon as possible, fixing the problem that caused your knee pain gets you there. We give your knee the support it needs to heal on its own, plus the therapies and rehab protocols you need to help you rebuild injured tissues stronger than ever.

Don’t ignore your knee pain. Treat the source and get back on track by calling our friendly team for a sports injury evaluation today. You can also schedule a consultation using our easy online appointment form