
Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction: What to Expect During Your Recovery

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Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction: What to Expect During Your Recovery

Bunions are foot abnormalities that affect about one in every five people in the United States. Bunions come in degrees. Mild bunions are barely noticeable and don’t cause symptoms. 

However, the misalignment in the foot that causes your big toe to migrate toward the other toes only worsens with age and will protrude more over time. 

Eventually, you can develop irritation so severe that the bone produces even more bone as protection. This can cause extreme irritation when you wear shoes and lead to significant pain.

If you’re not finding relief with first-line bunion treatments, such as more comfortable shoes or custom orthotics, you may be time for Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction. 

But what happens after your surgery? What’s your recovery like? 

At North Park Podiatry, our skilled podiatrists are among the few specially trained and certified in Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction. We perform this effective treatment at our San Diego, California, offices.

The following is what you need to know after your bunion correction surgery.

What happens during Lapiplasty

The patented 3D Lapiplasty procedure differs from other types of bunion surgery. Instead of cutting and repositioning the big toe bone, we use 3D Lapiplasty to push the toe back into perfect alignment. Then, we cut away the unstable portions of the joint that caused the abnormality.

Next, we use specialized instrumentation to reconnect the stabilized joint so the bones fuse together correctly. Then, we apply two titanium plates to maintain the corrected alignment and provide extra stability. 

What happens right after Lapiplasty?

You need to rest your foot after Lapiplasty. Elevate your foot to help reduce swelling and inflammation. Don’t step on your foot or try to walk. We recommend a specialized boot to protect it.

If over-the-counter pain medications don’t manage your discomfort, we may prescribe medications to help you alleviate pain. Depending on your situation, we may also provide crutches or another assistive device so you can get around for the first few days without putting weight on your foot.

What happens in the next two weeks?

Lapiplasty patients can begin mild weight-bearing on their foot after 10-11 days. During this period, you transition from total non-weight-bearing to partial weight-bearing.

Keep the surgical site clean and dry. We provide post-operative care instructions so you can bathe safely. We also instruct you on how to change your dressings and how often.

An essential part of your post-op care is coming to your follow-up appointments. Our podiatrists monitor your recovery and check for complications, such as infections.

What happens in weeks 3-6?

If your recovery is on track, you can gradually put more weight on your foot. We also recommend starting physical therapy (PT) at this point. Your PT professional helps you strengthen and stretch your foot.

You may also have your stitches removed. However, if you received dissolvable sutures, you can skip this step.

What happens in months 3-6?

You continue your PT as your foot heals and adjusts to its new, corrected alignment. Based on your situation, you might be able to resume some physical activities. You may even be able to wear your own shoes at this point.

How you feel after recovery

By month six, you should be fully recovered and able to return to all of your normal activities. Thirteen months after Lapiplasty, 97% of people retained their correction and stability.

Are you ready to walk bunion-free? Contact us today by phone or online appointment form for your Lapiplasty bunion correction today.